FUEN logo


A "Europe of the regions" was the idea of the European Commission under its former president Jacques Delors: the aim was to promote the regions in the EU member states and support them in their regional autonomy. As part of this process of making the regions real actors in European politics, changes were made in the structural funding arrangements of the European Union. This has created new opportunities for regions to receive funding and participate in the EU policy process.

Within many EU states, the regions have been given more competences since the 1970s. The process of European integration, combined with decentralisation in many Member States, has given the regions tools for a more active role in the European Union. In order to increase their influence in Brussels, many regions have established networks.

In this context, the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) has launched the "Forum of European Minority Regions" - as a place for cooperation and networking. The goals: to increase the political weight of the individual regions and to exert a stronger influence on EU policy through a united appearance. In addition, the forum offers a space for exchange and analysis of the status quo with regard to minority rights and learning from best-practice examples.

Regional and minority languages are spoken by about 40 million people in Europe. It is precisely those regions where linguistic or ethnic autochthonous minorities live that strengthen European ties in a special way. Europe's minority regions form bridges between the Member States and play a decisive role in European integration.

Minorities contribute to the economic and social development of these regions. It is therefore no coincidence that some of these regions are among the wealthiest in Europe - South Tyrol, with the highest GDP per capita in Italy, or the Basque Country and Navarre, the richest regions in Spain, are good examples.

"Digitalizazioa - Gutxiengoentzako erronkak eta aukerak"
Ordua: 2024ko azaroaren 26tik 27ra
Tokia: Donostia/Donostia Euskal Herrian, Espainia

FUENek antolatuta Langunerekin elkarlanean.
Esteka honek foroari buruzko informazioa gaztelaniaz edo euskaraz emango dizu.

Zein maiztasunarekin aurkitzen duzu informazioa interneten zure hizkuntzan bilatzen duzunean? Zein maiztasunarekin ohartzen zara zure hizkuntza gutxituan dagoen informazioa bat egiten duela hizkuntza hegemonikoarekin? Askotan, hizkuntza gutxituko bertsioa ez dago eguneratuta egoten.

Gutxiengoek itzulpen automatikoa erabili behar izaten dute askotan, eduki digitala ez baitago eskuragarri beren hizkuntzetan.

FUEN Europako Eskualde Gutxituen 8. Foroa: ‘Digitalizazioa – Gutxiengoentzako erronkak eta aukerak. Hizkuntzen irabazia’, LANGUNE, Euskal Herriko Hizkuntza Industrien Elkartearekin batera antolatua, Donostian egingo da, 2024ko azaroaren 26an eta 27an

Foroaren helburua errealitate digitala deskribatzea da, agintari publikoek, eragile komertzialek eta beste batzuek alor digitalean duten presentzia linguistikoa nola eraikitzen duten aztertuz.

Kontuan hartzekoa da Adimen artifizialak gure gizarteetan eta gutxiengoen komunitatetan duen papera, aukera paregabea eskaintzen bait du gure hizkuntzak eta kulturak sustatzeko.

AA ez ezik, hizkuntzen industria ere aukera ona da gure gutxiengoek eta gure eskualde elebidunek hazkundea, enplegua eta aberastasuna sor ditzaten. Hizkuntzen industria funtsezkoak da gure eskualdeetako ekonomientzat. Euskal Herrian, adibidez, hizkuntzen sektoreak 500 enpresa baino gehiago hartzen ditu eta 5.000 pertsona baino gehiago enplegatzen ditu.

Hizkuntzen industrian hizkuntzaren eta hizketaren teknologiak sartzen dira, hala nola itzulpen automatikoa, ahotsaren ezagutza automatikoa, ahozko testu-bihurgailuak, hizkuntza naturalaren sorrera, laburpen automatikoa eta, azkenik, testuen analisia eta etiketatzea.

Hizkuntzaren eta hizketaren teknologien erabilera azkar ari da handitzen, eta garrantzi handikoa da gutxiengoek teknologia berrietan atzean gera ez izatea, gure gizarteak goitik behera aldatuko baititu zentzu askotan. Testuinguru horretan, Europako Parlamentuaren 2018ko "Hizkuntza-berdintasuna aro digitalean" ebazpenak esparru bat eskaintzen du.

Arrisku edo erronka argi bat da digitalizazioak hizkuntzak ikasteko motibazioa murrizten duela. Makinek sortutako testuak eta itzulpen automatikoak ere gure hizkuntzak pobretu ditzakete. Beste erronka batzuk dira aldaketa-abiadura, behar adina datu ez izatea eta prozesatzeko behar den potentzia.

Hala ere, abantailek eta aukerek nabarmen gainditzen dituzte arriskuak edo erronkak gutxiengoentzako. Gaur inoiz baino eduki digital gehiago dugu, eta ikus-entzunezko edukien erabilera laukoiztu egin da hamarkada batean baino gutxiagoan.

Teknologiek hizkuntza gutxituen erabilera normalizatzen lagun dezakete. Hizkuntzaren prestigioari laguntzen diote, eta, bereziki, gutxiengoen komunitate txikiak eta horien hiztunak ahalduntzen dituzte, hizkuntzarik txikiena eta urrunena ere irisgarria bihurtuz.

Foroaren saioak hizkuntza gutxituetako entretenimenduaren industriaren (bideojokoak, adibidez) digitalizazioaren hedapen bizkorrari eta finantzazio garrantzitsuari buruzkoak izango dira, baita hizkuntza gutxituek ikus-entzunezkoen sektorean duten paperari buruzkoak ere (azpitituluak, bikoizketa eta audioliburuak).

Azkenik, herrialdeek eta eskualdeek hizkuntza-teknologien garapena nola lagundu eta finantzatu dezaketen aztertuko dugu, hizkuntza gutxituetan digitalizazioa sustatzeko pizgarri fiskalak barne.

Hizkuntzen Irabazia Foroan parte hartzea espero dugu. Foro horrek, gure ustez, garai bat markatuko du edukiari dagokionez, eta ahaztezina izango da, zalantzarik gabe, Europa osoko panelista adituen eztabaidei esker.

Info sheet for participants


Datuak babesteko akordioa


Adam Edwards
Adam Edwards
Commercial Director - TININT
Aitor Aldasoro Iturbe
Aitor Aldasoro Iturbe
Vice-Minister for Language Policy
Alexandru-Iulius Jerpelea
Alexandru-Iulius Jerpelea
Student and Creator of Machine Translation in Aromanian
Amaia Balda Etxarte
Amaia Balda Etxarte
general coordinator of the EMUN cooperative, the entity in charge of the ‘Gehi’ research project
Anna Solé Mena
Anna Solé Mena
Senior Expert for multilingualism, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission
Arantza Del Pozo Echezarreta
Arantza Del Pozo Echezarreta
Director of Voice and Natural Language Processing Technologies at Vicomtech
Bahne Bahnsen
Bahne Bahnsen
FUEN Vice President
Benaset Dazéas
Benaset Dazéas
Director of Lo Congrès Permanent de la Lenga Occitana
Christina Gestrin
Christina Gestrin
General Secretary of the Swedish Assembly in Finland
Eli Pombo Aramendi
Eli Pombo Aramendi
Iametza Manager
Elizabete Krivcova
Elizabete Krivcova
Lawyer and expert in digitization in Latvia, specializing in cases of linguistic discrimination
Éva Adél Pénzes
Éva Adél Pénzes
FUEN General Secretary
Gösta Toft
Gösta Toft
Vice President of FUEN
Harro Hallmann
Harro Hallmann
head of communication at the Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger
Ignacio Pérez Prat
Ignacio Pérez Prat
Reponsible for Digital Transformation in Romansh
Iona Mercer
Iona Mercer
SpeakGaelic Online Learning Associate (MG Alba)
Itziar Agirre Berriotxoa
Itziar Agirre Berriotxoa
Minister for Finance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
Itziar Aldabe Arregi
Itziar Aldabe Arregi
Hitz Center, University of the Basque Country
Itziar Cortés Etxabe
Itziar Cortés Etxabe
Coordinator of the Elhuyar Language and Technology Unit
Izaro Navas Sarasua
Izaro Navas Sarasua
Joanna Hassa
Joanna Hassa
General Manager of the Association of German Socio-Cultural Societies in Poland
Dr. Jörg Hübner
Dr. Jörg Hübner
Head of the RAPAKI project group
Josu Waliño Pizarro
Josu Waliño Pizarro
Director of the Foundation Puntu.eus
Joxe Felipe Auzmendi Lizarralde
Joxe Felipe Auzmendi Lizarralde
Director of On Time Ekoizpenak
Lohitzune Txarola Gurrutxaga
Lohitzune Txarola Gurrutxaga
Luistxo Fernandez
Luistxo Fernandez
Journalist, IT specialist, writer, and blogger at Code Syntax.
Maite Melero
Maite Melero
Leader of the Research Group for Automatic Translation at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
Manuel González Bedia
Manuel González Bedia
General Director of Strategic Planning for Advanced Digital Technologies and the New Language Economy
Marie Heguy-Urain
Marie Heguy-Urain
Euroregion, Project Manager for "Euroregional Citizenship" (Culture, Education, Youth, Sport, Multilingualism)
Mirren Buchanan
Mirren Buchanan
Online Producer (MG Alba)
Olatz Olaso Garitano
Olatz Olaso Garitano
Peter Bresan
Peter Bresan
Consultant for economic and infrastructural matters at Domowina
Rafael Muñoz Guillena
Rafael Muñoz Guillena
Head of the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at the University of Alicante. Vives, Valencia
Ruairí Ó Néill
Ruairí Ó Néill
Director of Corporate Affairs of Údarás na Gaeltachta
Dr. Samuel Frontull
Dr. Samuel Frontull
Researcher at the University of Innsbruck and Institut Ladin in South Tyrol
Seda Akbulut
Seda Akbulut
Manager of the Universal Acceptance Program
Usame Zukorlić
Usame Zukorlić
Minister for reconciliation, regional cooperation and social stability of the government of the Republic of Serbia


Venue: Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio Kursaal, Zurriola Hiribidea 1, 20002 Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spanien

from 8:00

Breakfast at the hotel

9:00 - 9:10

Welcome by the organisers.

  • Welcome by FUEN Vice President Bahne Bahnsen
  • Welcome by LANGUNE General Director of GAIA group Tomas Iriondo Astigarraga
9:10 - 9:20

Welcome and introduction to EU Policy and some key facts on multilingualism.
Anna Solé Mena: Senior Expert for multilingualism, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission

9:20 - 10:30

The added value of the language industry. 
Presentation and round table moderated by Itziar Aldabe Arregi, Hitz Center, University of the Basque Country

  • Ruairí Ó Néill, Director of Corporate Affairs of Údarás na Gaeltachta, Ireland
  • Ignacio Pérez Prat, Reponsible for Digital Transformation in Romansh, Switzerland
  • Samuel Frontull, Researcher at the University of Innsbruck and Institut Ladin in South Tyrol, Italy
10:30 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:00

How can countries and regions support and fund the development of language technologies?
Introduction and moderation: Manuel González Bedia, General Director of Strategic Planning for Advanced Digital Technologies and the New Language Economy.

  • María Coutinho Villanueva, Deputy Director General of Planning and Linguistic Dynamisation of the Galician Government
  • Rafael Muñoz Guillena, Head of the Department of Computer Languages and Systems at the University of Alicante. Vives, Valencia
  • Maite Melero Nogues, Leader of the Research Group for Automatic Translation at the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
  • Aitor Aldasoro Iturbe, Vice-Minister for Language Policy of the government of the Basque Country
12:00 - 13:00

Foster cooperation of minority languages to advance digitalisation & artificial intelligence.
Introduction and Moderation: Marie Heguy-Urain, Euroregion, Project Manager for "Euroregional Citizenship" (Culture, Education, Youth, Sport, Multilingualism)

  • Itziar Cortes Etxabe, Coordinator of the Elhuyar Language and Technology Unit, the Basque Country
  • Benaset Dazeas, Director of Lo Congrès Permanent de la Lenga Occitana, France
  • Alexandru-Iulius Jerpelea, Student and Creator of Machine Translation in Aromanian, Romania
13:00 - 13:30

Welcome by the local hosts.

  • Welcome by President of the Basque Country, Imanol Pradales Gil
  • Welcome by President of the province of Gipuzkoa, Eider Mendoza Larrañaga
  • Welcome by the Major of Donostia, Eneko Goia Laso
13:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 16:00

The added value of multilingualism in the digital environment.
Moderation: Éva Adél Pénzes, FUEN General Secretary

  • Josu Waliño, Director of the Foundation Puntu.eus, the Basque Country
  • Peter Bresan, Consultant for economic and infrastructural matters at Domowina, Germany
  • Seda Akbulut, Manager of the Universal Acceptance Program, Turkey
16:00 - 17:00

“...this page is not available in...”
Digital content that is only available in the majority language – how can we overcome this challenge?

Moderation: Éva Adél Pénzes, FUEN General Secretary

  • Christina Gestrin (Finland), General Secretary of the Swedish Assembly in Finland
  • Joanna Hassa, General Manager of the Association of German Socio-Cultural Societies in Poland
  • Elizabete Krivcova, Lawyer and expert in digitization in Latvia, specializing in cases of linguistic discrimination
  • Usame Zukorlić, Minister for reconciliation, regional cooperation and social stability of the government of the Republic of Serbia
17:00 - 17:15


17:15 - 18:15

An entire value chain from research to application to strengthen the language and economy of our communities.

  • Izaro Navas, Economist, the Basque Country
  • Amaia Balda Etxarte, general coordinator of the EMUN cooperative, the entity in charge of the ‘Gehi’ research project, the Basque Country
  • Eli Pombo Aramendi, Iametza Manager, the Basque Country

Dinner at the Txirrita restaurant (San Bartolome Kalea 32, 20007 Donostia)

from 8:00

Breakfast at the hotel

9:30 - 10:00

Tax incentives for the Basque Country.

  • Itziar Agirre Berriotxoa, Minister for Finance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
10:00 - 10:30

Musicians in minority Languages, the Basque case.
Olatz Salvador, singer songwriter and musician


10:30 - 11:30

Digitalisation of the entertainment industry (video games, etc) in minority languages.
Moderation: Harro Hallmann, head of communication at the Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger, Denmark

  • Luistxo Fernández Ostolaza, Journalist, IT specialist, writer, and blogger at Code Syntax, the Basque Country
  • Adam Edwards, Commercial Director of Tinint, Wales
  • Dr. Jörg Hübner, Head of the RAPAKI project group, games in Sorbian, Germany
11:30 - 12:00

Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00

Minority languages in audiovisuals and media.
Moderation: Johan Häggman, FUEN Policy Advisor

  • Arantza del Pozo Etxezarreta, Director of Voice and Natural Language Processing Technologies at Vicomtech, the Basque Country
  • Iona Mercer, SpeakGaelic Online Learning Associate (MG Alba) and Mirren Buchanan, Online Producer (MG Alba), Scotland
  • Joxe Felipe Auzmendi Lizarralde, Director of On Time Ekoizpenak, the Basque Country
13:00 - 13:20

Forum closure by Gösta Toft (FUEN) and Lohitzune Txarola (LANGUNE).

13:20 - 13:30

Institutional closure of the forum by Mikel Jauregi Letemendia, Minister of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability of the Basque Government.

13:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 18:00

Excursion to the San Sebastián Donostia Aquarium (Plaza de Carlos Blasco Imaz, 1, 20003 Donostia-San Sebastián)

from 19:00

Dinner in the San Sebastián Donostia Aquarium

from 8:00

Breakfast at the hotel and check-out

9:00 - 10:30

Evaluation of the conference
Moderation: Johan Häggman

from 10:30

END OF PROGRAMME and individual departure

Download the program in PDF